About The LBBC

About the Libyan British Business Council (LBBC)

  • We are solely a trade promotion organisation. Our mission is to promote, facilitate and improve bilateral trade and business relations between the UK and Libya.
  • In doing so, we must retain and protect our status as an apolitical and neutral organisation that does not comment, engage or interfere in the political affairs of either nation.

Established in 2004, the LBBC is a non-political business association fostering commercial ties between British and Libyan business communities. We offer trade development initiatives and networking opportunities to our Council and Corporate Members, comprising top UK corporations across all major sectors. Our team, including former British Ambassadors to Tripoli and UK-based Libyan professionals, collaborates with authorities and organizations in both countries to support bilateral trade and investment.

Building relationships is crucial for business development, especially in a complex market like Libya where trust is paramount. The LBBC focuses on facilitating valuable connections for our members to navigate the Libyan and the UK market successfully. Membership entails active participation in our events, access to our network of contacts, and tapping into our collective expertise.

With a board boasting extensive firsthand experience in Libyan business, we offer unique insights and connections. As a trusted advocate, we engage with British and Libyan authorities and the private sector, positioning our members for success.

To learn more about the LBBC and the services we provide to our members please consult the Services page of this website.