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12:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Event Type: Offline Event

Bank ABC
Arab Banking Corporation House

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The LBBC have the pleasure to invite you to our first Libyan British Business Council (LBBC) ‘Council Lunch’ for 2020 on 30 January when HM Ambassador Nick Hopton will speak on ‘Libya 2020’, briefing LBBC members on this year’s developments, including the Berlin conference.

We are indebted to Paul Jennings, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of Bank ABC, who has kindly agreed to host the occasion at the Bank’s premises at 1-5 Moorgate, London EC2R 6AB .

There is a nominal charge of £30 per person to cover LBBC’s administrative costs only.  To register your attendance please click here: https://ambassadornickhopton.eventbrite.co.uk