Libyan Business in the UK

The LBBC can provide letters of support to assist member companies seeking UK visas for Libyan business visitors.  A letter of support is for use as part of a visa application and needs to accompany, not follow, the application.  This service is only available to LBBC Members and their associates.

In order to provide a letter of support, the LBBC will need the following information:

  • Passport details page of applicant
  • Date of visit
  • Purpose of visit

The LBBC can also provide further support for business visitors once the application has been made and the following additional information is required:

  • GWF (Global Web Form) number
  • Date of interview
  • Location of interview

Please note not all visa applications will receive this extra layer of support and the LBBC are not involved in the approval process which is conducted by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).

LBBC members can contact the LBBC if issues do arise however we also advise to contact UKVI about any visa refusals or any other issues using this link.